NEWS • Oct 29, 2022

Power Screening Adds Family Fun to Safe 4 Rollout

Employees and Family members playing cornhole and enjoying event at Power Screening in Henderson, Colorado.

The Power Screening team – complete with employees and their families – held a fun and meaningful event in Henderson, Colorado on October 22nd, 2022. The special day was in recognition of the SAFE4 program rollout, which focuses on raising employees’ awareness of the importance of safety by tying work life to personal life.

Festivities included food and ice cream trucks, a cornhole tournament, raffles, Power Screening safety hats, coloring, and a bounce house for children! The event connected staff together from the company’s three branches and shared services, bringing cohesiveness and a sense of community to the team. By including families in the safety message, it enhanced the importance and helped make it a special day for all.